DEDeutsch Text
Den ganzen Juni über war eRger (Recherche gegen Rechts) in den Räumen von FLORIDA zu Gast — um sich zu treffen, zu arbeiten, sich auszutauschen, gemeinsam zu essen. eRger ist ein Kollektiv von Pädagog*innen, Künstler*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen, das sich kritisch mit aktuellen politisch-rechten Entwicklungen auseinandersetzt. Sie arbeiten seit Oktober 2016 mit künstlerischen sowie recherchebasierten Methoden und realisieren Projekte zwischen Selbstorganisation, antirassistischer/antifaschistischer Kultur- und Bildungsarbeit.
Wir haben sie gefragt, ob sie den FLORIDA Newsletter für eine Mitteilung nutzen möchten. Hier ist sie:
ENEnglish Text
Throughout June the group eRger (Research against the Right) was guest at FLORIDA — to meet, to work, to talk, to eat together. eRger is a collective of pedagogues, artists, and scholars critical of current right-wing political developments. They’ve been working with artistic and research-based techniques and realizing projects between self-orgainization, anti-racist/anti-fascist cultural and educational work since October 2016.
We have asked them if they would like to use the FLORIDA newsletter for a message. Here it is:
We seven eRger accomplices had planned a project week for June 2020, „Approaching a Collective Praxis of Remembrance“.
And then we failed. Immediately before we even started, we were thrown back on ourselves. Who are we anyway? What are we even doing there? Reality check. Even though we are aware of the urgency, we don’t want to keep still, with eyes and mouths closed, we had to learn, these issues, stories and pain are complex. They are entitled to their complexity.
The FLORIDA committee invited us to use the premises anyway. Thank you, dear FLORIDA committee. We have discussed ourselves and our common working methods. We are all socialized in the structural violent relationship — we have to start with ourselves:
Look inside. How do my own racisms work?
We read political, queer-feminist texts, but how do we shape our complicity?
How can I understand my experience of violence as structural and how do I formulate it?
How can I talk about my and your experiences of violence? Stop, rather, how can we talk about your and my experiences of violence?
So who are we anyway and how do we even know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!