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Lothringer13_Florida hat immer am ersten Samstag des Monats von 12 – 18 Uhr geöffnet. Unsere Bibliothek, die sich aus deprivatisierten Buchbeständen speist, sowie unser Archiv und das Tonstudio sind dann besuchbar.
ENEnglish Text
Perpetuum Mobile The Artotheque / Living Archive
Red Mined, a feminist curatorial collective, curated and produced Living Archive editions (2011-2015) – opening up the form of an exhibition with a help of different tools; bringing artists, collectives and the public together to generate a “live” exhibition and a living archive. Some of the tools, known as Manual How Not To Behave, Audio and Video Booth or Questionnaire are still in use, and can still occupy certain space and time.
The Perpetuum Mobile (ongoing) inhabits on Saturday the 2nd June the Lothringer13_Florida.
Once activated it would run forever, perpetual motion or continuous and unceasing movement or action. Repetition until recognition.
The collection started with a simple act of giving. A gift of art, for art is a gift that we find no value for. It is more than just a collection of video works, texts, drawings and so forth. What it contains is a multitude of lives and narratives, images and messages that feed the body of this genuine artotheque.
With works by: Atilkunst, Gülçin Aksoy, Nevin Aladag, Nancy Atakan, Nika Autor, Ana Baraga, Dunja Blažević, Bashir Borlakov, Vanja Bucan, Cengiz Çekil, Banu Cennetoğlu, Fulya Çetin, Ana Čigon, Lana Čmajčanin, Burak Delier, Extramücadele, Natasha Davis, Andreja Dugandžić, Lina Dokuzović, Flaka Haliti, Nela Hasanbegović, Nazım Hikmet Richard Dikbaş, Ana Hoffner, Ana Hušman, Gordana Anđelić Galić, Ender Gelges, Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, Özlem Günyol and Mustafa Kunt, Nilbar Güreş, Gözde Ilkin, Jelena Jureša, Adela Jušić, Bengü Karaduman, Gülsün Karamustafa, Margareta Kern, Jovana Komnenić, Servet Koçyiğit, Emina Kujundžić, Andreja Kulunčić, Nikoleta Marković, Nela Milić, Dragana Mladenović and Media Archeology, Şükran Moral, Yasemin Nur, Füsun Onur, Irfan Önürmen, Fehrettin Örenli, Yasemin Ozcan, Ferhat Özgür, Orhan Pamuk, Armina Pilav, Monika Ponjavić and Marina Radulj, Neriman Polat, Renata Poljak, Nada Prlja, Vahida Ramujkić, Bojana Jelenić and Dionis Escorsa, Lala Raščić, Dina Rončević, Necla Rüzgar, Ivana Smiljanić, Tina Smrekar, Alenka Spacal, Evelin Stermitz, Marko Tadić, Cengiz Tekin, Nataša Teofilović, Milica Tomić, Sarah Vanagt, Dragan Vojvodić, Nil Yalter, Pinar Yolaçan, …