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Do the walls have to be repainted?

  • 2021
  • Mai und Juni 2021

Die Künstlerin und Kuratorin Claire Astier war bei uns im Mai und Juni 2021 zusammen mit Ahram Lee als Artist in Residence zu Gast. Sie ließ uns eine bei normaler Beleuchtung unsichtbare Arbeit zurück: mit einem Schwarzlicht-aktiven Stift hatte sie Wände und den Vorhang des FLORIDA beschrieben.

You better ask the person in charge

  • 2021

FLORIDA Fenêtre w/ Lee Astier:

„Along the queue for Corona tests, two people, a table and a pile of questionnaires play with the new architectural and administrative displays of Corona regulations. But the questions are too broad and enigmatic – instead of describing people’s situations through data, they open debates about community’s conditions. After struggling through the survey, people are invited to dinner and deeper exchanges.“

From June 2021

in residence: Claire Astier

  • 2021

Wir freuen uns euch unsere derzeitige Residentin vorzustellen: die in Marseille lebende Kuratorin und Aktivistin Claire Astier. Während der Residency wird sie zusammen mit der Künstlerin Ahram Lee in Austausch mit lokalen Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen ud Kollektiven treten.
We are pleased to introduce our current resident: Marseille-based curator and activist Claire Astier. During the residency, she will be in dialogue with local artists, activists and collectives, together with artist Ahram Lee.

FLORIDA Winter [retrospective]: AiR und Care

  • 2021

Both formats – the AiR and the Care Online format – are related to questions that we as FLORIDA have been pursuing on different levels for quite a while now: How can we, as freelance artists working for little money in a Munich art space, question and improve existing conditions and structures under which artists and cultural workers are usually invited in the art and culture business. How can we mutually formulate realistic and reasonable expectations, how can good support and communication look like and a fair amount and way of compensation. We want to give ourselves the time it takes to develop more solidary forms of collaboration. This is work we will continue to do, if you have any tips or comments on this, feel free to send them our way.