FLORIDA Winter [retrospective]: AiR und Care

Both formats – the AiR and the Care Online format – are related to questions that we as FLORIDA have been pursuing on different levels for quite a while now: How can we, as freelance artists working for little money in a Munich art space, question and improve existing conditions and structures under which artists and cultural workers are usually invited in the art and culture business. How can we mutually formulate realistic and reasonable expectations, how can good support and communication look like and a fair amount and way of compensation. We want to give ourselves the time it takes to develop more solidary forms of collaboration. This is work we will continue to do, if you have any tips or comments on this, feel free to send them our way.

Since an essential part of the work in FLORIDA can only take place to a very limited extent — the personal togetherness on site — we would like to promote mutual exchange/support in an experimental online format. For this purpose, we invite four participants to the respective dates to get to know each other and to jointly develop strategies for dealing with the ongoing uncertainties and threats. Invited are artists who, in various ways, are addressing the question of how one can create spaces/conditions that help others feel safe and comfortable. This online format aims to create just such a space for the guests.
HALLO ENDE 18.12.2020